Red DCI-dc3

Red DCI-dc3

Part ID LAB # Description Language* Order Number Revision Date Safety** PDF
2053 LABMK_SS 09-1112_I_MLNCS DCI, Red DCI_Rev.02 Red DCI® and DCIP™ Adult and Pediatric Reusable SpO2 finger sensors Korean SS09-1112 07/03/2023 N/A Download icon for LABMK_SS 09-1112_I_MLNCS DCI, Red DCI_Rev.02
2053 LAB-4116J-eIFU Red DCI® and DCIP™ Adult and Pediatric Reusable SpO2 finger sensors Multiple Languages 13725 09/24/2021 N/A Download icon for LAB-4116J-eIFU
2053 LABMK_SS19-3423_I_DCSC, Red DCI-dc3 Red DCI® and DCIP™ Adult and Pediatric Reusable SpO2 finger sensors Korean SS19-3423 04/08/2020 N/A Download icon for LABMK_SS19-3423_I_DCSC, Red DCI-dc3
2053 LAB-4116F-eIFU Red DCI® and DCIP™ Adult and Pediatric Reusable SpO2 finger sensors English 13725 04/12/2017 N/A Download icon for LAB-4116F-eIFU